Big Data Solutions is a financial technology firm building solutions on top of a high performance time-series database with the latest stack and a bit of love. We have two core products that we offer as a service in AWS: Trade Surveillance (a wide range of tools that allows you to identify trading strategies that try to influence the market price or manipulate other participants) and Transaction Cost Analysis or BestEx (this is the product that helps companies evaluate how well their orders are executed relative to the market price and how much they affect the market price).
Our customers include tier 1 banks, exchanges and market centers, routing and executing brokers, clearing firms, FCMs, market-makers, retail brokers, and buy-side firms. You will have a unique opportunity to get exposed to the problems faced by various types of financial institutions operating in capital markets.
Our Implementation and Operations team helps to implement, deploy, monitor and maintain our standard product offerings in our hosted cloud in AWS and in Customer’s environments on a day-to-day basis to deliver high quality solutions and best user experience.
Big Data Solutions — международная продуктовая компания, разрабатывающая высоконагруженные системы для анализа результата торговли на финансовых рынках. Big Data Solutions эксклюзивный партнер-разработчик компании OneMarketData. Основная технология компании — OneTick (times-series база данных и язык запросов к ней).