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C# Developer


180 000 —‍ 300 000 ₽/мес на руки

📍 МоскваПолная удалёнка
Требуемый опыт
2+ лет



ADBRO is the contextual advertising platform powered by artificial intelligence. They implement image-recognition neural networks and semantic page analysis to place ads relevantly to the meaning of a website's content.

Now they’re looking for a C# Developer who would be responsible for the development of the platform Core.


ADBRO was founded in 2014 and now has a successful partnership with the largest advertisers and media holdings of the Asia region. Headquarters are located in Vietnam and sales offices are located in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. Guys were always convinced that the most talented developers are in Russia so that is why the dev team is in Moscow, although there are some people working remotely from Saint Petersburg, Cheboksary, and Saratov. Recently the company has approved the in-image advertisement model, so now they are actively gathering people for updating the advertising platform.

Now they’re looking for a C# Developer who would be responsible for the development of the platform Core. The Core handles thousands of requests per second from millions of daily active users, targeting advertisement by dozens of parameters, including context and per-user history, served as a Reliable Actor from CosmosDB. All decisions and results are logged to ClickHouse and aggregated in InfluxDB.

Must-have skills

  • Experience with .Net 2+ years.
  • Knowledge of SQL and NoSQL Databases.
  • Written English.

Nive-to-have skills

  • Experience with Azure.
  • Experience with Service Fabric.

Company offers

  • Choice of remote work, office in Moscow (near metro Nagornaya) or coworking space in your city/area.
  • Salary fixed in USD, vacations and sick leaves are paid in full.
  • Compensation for all required hardware and software.
  • Yearly corporate events in South-East Asia.
Александр Швецов CTO

О компании ADBRO

Электронная коммерция

ADBRO — это платформа контекстной рекламы на базе искусственного интеллекта. Они реализуют нейронные сети распознавания изображений и семантический анализ страниц, чтобы размещать рекламу в соответствии со смыслом содержания веб-сайта.

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