They are a group of about 100 worldwide people who are hardworking to change the way small entrepreneurs do their business. They believe that freelancers or small business owners don't have to waste their time on boring work related to payments, invoices, taxes, and other paperwork.
Adopting modern Data Scientist technologies, investing in user experience, adding fun and personal communication, they create fully automated products that their customers love. To date, they have implemented a fully mobile application in the UK where customers can open a current account, accept payments and issue invoices.
More than 50,000 clients have entrusted their finances to them.
At the moment, they are assembling a team that is ready to take a new challenge and reinvent how small entrepreneurs calculate taxes and file tax returns. The idea is to ensure that an entrepreneur with no accounting knowledge without manual work gets accurately calculated and timely filed tax returns. They are creating a new class of solutions — fully automated tax software.
To achieve this goal, they need to solve the following tasks:
To solve specific product tasks, they create micro-teams up to 5 people that can
In addition, they use modern and cool technologies and methodologies. They stay up to date with the technical stack and deliver code 750 times per month to production just in 10 minutes.
ANNA Money создаёт продукт для рынка Великобритании. Миссия в том, чтобы помочь предпринимателям и владельцам малого бизнеса, сняв с них рутинные задачи, связанные с их финансами. Внутри сервиса работает бот — он распознаёт документы и реквизиты, а также команды от пользователей.