Loóna is a startup, a one-of-a-kind immersive, mood-enhancing product that lets people quickly disengage from the emotions of the day and get in the right mood for sleep.
Loóna unites proven techniques to invoke a state of relaxation before sleep — an art activity, guided storytelling, relaxing music, and ambient sounds — in one product. Loóna works with the Health Advisory Board and Sleep Advisors to ensure its approach is based on scientific research, making Loóna a handy bedtime product.
They are looking for a creative person who will join their team as Senior Product Designer.
(GMT+3), Minsk.
The ideal candidate for them will be with 5+ years experience in mobile product design and entrepreneurial spirit.
Loóna — это уникальный продукт для сна и расслабления на стыке Health и Entertainment. Loóna соединяет популярные техники для релаксации: раскрашивание 3D диорам, музыку и звуки, дыхательные упражнения и медитативный сторителлинг, помогая пользователям восстановить правильный эмоциональный фон в конце дня, справиться со стрессом, абстрагироваться от беспокойных мыслей и настроиться на сон.