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Deep Learning Software Engineer (Computer Vision, Inference Engine Samples)

в Intel

200 000 —‍ 350 000 ₽/мес на руки

📍 Москва (м. Крылатское)Офис или гибрид



Intel creates world-changing technology that enriches the lives of every person on earth.

Team develops examples and demo applications designed to demonstrate the basic properties, program interface and benefits of the OpenVINO product for running artificial neural networks on various computing devices that Intel manufactures produces, including CPU, GPU, VPU.

The OpenVINO product provides a programming interface for several programming languages, including traditional C, C ++, and Python. Consequently, examples and demo applications should be implemented in these languages, emphasizing that regardless of the operating system or programming language, the user can get a high-performance application that solves the target problem in the most efficient way.

Combined with examples and demo applications, team provides a set of 200+ pre-trained models to solve a wide range of tasks from computer vision to sound and text processing.

The development process of OpenVINO, examples and demos mainly takes place in open source on github, so you can see both the list of commits and open pull requests.

Time zone

(GMT+3) Москва.


  • Development OpenVINO Inference Engine Samples and Open Model Zoo demos (C++ and Python).
  • Creation of Samples and Demos documentation, integration with product documentation system.
  • Development of the Samples and Demos features needed to support the new OpenVINO capabilities and Open Model Zoo models.
  • Development and maintaining Samples and Demos tests and validation system.
  • Provide Inference Engine Samples release (within OpenVINO release cycle).


  • Master degree in Math, Computer Science or Physics.
  • At least 3 years of software development.
  • Excellent C++ programming skills.
  • Proven experience in developing computer vision or deep learning applications in C++ or Python.
  • Experience with cross-platform development.
  • Experience in productizing algorithms and/or software optimization.
  • Good reading and writing English skills: intermediate level or higher.

Will be an additional advantage

  • Ideally: prior experience with using of OpenCV and/or OpenVINO.
  • Background in Computer Vision, image and/or video processing.
  • Experience with at least one of the most known Deep Learning frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch, Caffe2 etc) is a plus.
  • Advanced Linux user.
Дарья Соколова Talent Advisor

О компании Intel

Продуктовая компания

Intel — международная корпорация, которая имеет невероятные возможности повсюду. Московский офис является штаб-квартирой Intel в России по продажам, маркетингу, финансам и связям с федеральными органами власти. Корпорация Intel играет значимую роль в развитии и распространении информационных технологий в Российской Федерации.

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