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Senior Software Developer

в JetBrains

от 200 000 ₽/мес на руки

📍 Санкт-ПетербургМоскваПолная удалёнка



JetBrains is a global software vendor specializing in the creation of intelligent, productivity-enhancing tools for software developers and teams. JetBrains has won 80+ international industry awards since the turn of the century.

The team on the ReSharper are looking for talented people who are eager to share their expertise with thousands of developers and make a difference in the software industry.

Why we are recommending

  • A team of passionate individuals: dreamers, perfectionists, thinkers, and enthusiasts.
  • A process where your ideas are always welcome. From day one, you will not just write code, but help make the product. You will communicate with users, invent new features, work on the architecture, take care of the UX, integrate into the community, and spread knowledge.
  • A creative environment where your contribution can really make a difference. They believe that unique products are made by unique people.
  • Beautiful software that matches the beauty of the source code. They appreciate beauty. An opportunity to choose your preferred subject area to work on.


  • Want to improve ReSharper and know how you would go about it.
  • Enjoy solving complex and challenging tasks.
  • Great knowledge of algorithms, design, architecture, or technologies.
  • Knowledge of C#, VB, or JavaScript/TypeScript.
  • Strong teamwork skills (are open to diverse viewpoints and can support your opinion with sound reasoning).
  • Want to grow as a professional, explore, and apply new approaches and technologies.
  • Knowledge of compiler development and code analysis.

Company offers

  • Spacious comfortable office (open 24/7) with a private parking lot.
  • Competitive salary: determined individually, but above industry average.
  • Bonuses based on your performance.
  • Voluntary health insurance for employees, their spouse, and their children under age 18 (including dental insurance).
  • 5 weeks of paid vacation.
  • Full salary during sick leave.
  • Flexible work schedule.
  • Hot meals, free drinks, fruits, and snacks.
  • Office library with specialized work-related books and magazines.
  • Office gym (with washrooms), massage room, and a recreational zone.
  • Training, including English and German language classes.
  • Opportunities to travel to professional conferences in Europe and the US.
  • Job relocation help.
Екатерина Седых Talent Partner

О компании JetBrains

Продуктовая компания
Приватное финансирование
501 - 1000

JetBrains (9 млн+ пользователей, 80+ наград) — международная компания, которая создает интеллектуальные инструменты, повышающие продуктивность разработчиков и команд. Среди клиентов: Google, Samsung, Citibank, Siemens, Wikipedia.

Похожие вакансии

500 000 – 650 000 ₽/мес на руки
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📍 Москва (м. Деловой центр), Санкт-Петербург (м. Площадь Ленина / Выборгская / Новочеркасская), Великий Новгород, полная удалёнка
350 000 – 450 000 ₽/мес на руки
Полная удалёнка
350 000 – 450 000 ₽/мес на руки
📍 Москва (м. Деловой центр), Санкт-Петербург (м. Площадь Ленина / Выборгская / Новочеркасская), Великий Новгород, можно удалённо из РФ
3 000 – 4 000 $/мес на руки
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