BrainRocket is a brand new software company, which has already taken Cyprus by a storm, both with the way it has been conducting business and with its approach towards recruiting talent. Young and ambitious, with a workforce of 300+ employees, BrainRocket seems set on a mission to turn Cyprus into a South Eastern Europe software hub.
They are growing exponentially and to support their business needs, they are looking for a very skilled person for the DevOps engineer role, who has experienced with Kubernetes.
Could be a plus:
BrainRocket — компания по разработке программного обеспечения. Основана в 2020 году на Кипре. В компании уже 700+ сотрудников. BrainRocket поставил перед собой задачу превратить Кипр в центр программного обеспечения Юго-Восточной Европы.