Intel Architecture, Graphics, and Software (IAGS) brings Intel's technical strategy to life. They have embraced the new reality of competing at a product and solution level—not just a transistor one. Team takes pride in reshaping the status quo and thinking exponentially to achieve what's never been done before. They've also built a culture of continuous learning and persistent leadership that provides opportunities to practice until perfection and filter ambitious ideas into execution.
OneAPI Data Analytics Library (oneDAL) team is looking for a Machine Learning Engineer. oneDAL is a powerful library for data scientists that turns large data clusters into meaningful information with advanced analytics algorithms. You will have a unique opportunity to work in the most promising and rapidly developing area of artificial intelligence and big data analytics and be one of the first who can observe how new technologies change the world around us.
(GMT+3) Москва.
Intel — международная корпорация, которая имеет невероятные возможности повсюду. Московский офис является штаб-квартирой Intel в России по продажам, маркетингу, финансам и связям с федеральными органами власти. Корпорация Intel играет значимую роль в развитии и распространении информационных технологий в Российской Федерации.