Philip Morris International delivering a smoke-free future. Future on smoke-free products that—while not risk-free—are a far better choice than cigarette smoking.
Philip Morris International is transforming and IT must transform as well, to modern applications running in the cloud, focused on speed and agility. The company is building a state-of-the-art cloud platform for the Russian market. The platform will be the center of the IT ecosystem in Russia and is a core component of the IT transformation.
You will use orchestrate appliance of Machine Learning, intelligent data research and advanced analytical tools to optimize and deliver cost efficiency of PMi business processes.
Philip Morris International — ведущая международная табачная компания. Компании принадлежат 6 из 15 ведущих торговых марок, среди которых Marlboro, Parliament, L&M, HEETS, IQOS и Lil solid. C 2016 года PMI трансформирует свой бизнес, намереваясь полностью отказаться от производства сигарет в пользу бездымных продуктов. Входит в список лучших работодателей России по версии Top Employer Institute.