Customertimes is a cloud consulting and system integrator group working in the USA, Russia and 50+ other countries all over the world. They work with the world's largest software vendors like SAP, Salesforce, Pega, as well as provide in-house developments for large and medium-sized companies. They have professional teams of different sizes starting from only one person with a particularly unique skill, through a full team of experts, or even the entire outsourced development lab.
Their offices are located in Moscow, New York, Kiev, Minsk, Toronto, Riga, London and Paris.
Their team has more than 1300+ talented and enthusiastic consultants, developers, business analysts and mobile experts who have accumulated unique knowledge and experience in cloud solutions.
They invite Middle Frontend Developer in the direction of Salesforce.
Professional growth:
Social package:
CT Customertimes — первый и единственный в России и странах СНГ платиновый партнер и официальный реселлер Salesforce — американской CRM-системы, являющейся мировым лидером рынка в этой области. Офисы в 8 городах мира: Москве, Киеве, Минске, Риге, Париже, Нью-Йорке, Торонто, Лондоне.