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Clever Recruiting

Frontend Developer

в Clever Recruiting

2 500 —‍ 4 750 €/мес на руки

Полная удалёнка
JS / Frontend
Требуемый опыт
3+ лет


TypeScriptPostCSS + TailwindViteHistoireVitestWebDriverSvelte / Vue.js

We are looking for a Frontend Engineer for an Innovative product company (Healthcare), located in Estonia. The company helps skincare brands provide skin testing and build interactive product recommendations on e-commerce platforms

The Company's research team is dedicated to developing a cutting-edge data analytics pipeline and insight generation engine specifically tailored for skincare applications.

The Company's focus lies in leveraging artificial intelligence to revolutionize skincare practices, catering to the needs of skincare retailers and clinics through innovative solutions.

Product: “smart camera” tool for web AR applications to help users with the guided image collection process for consequent image analysis with AI. The web application is distributed as a JavaScript library, has external API, and allows user-defined UI customization.

We are hiring specialists who have already relocated from Russia and Belarus.


  • Implement custom Augmented Reality UI-components and screens.
  • Implement UI-specific logic like state management and routing.
  • Document the technical solution pitfalls, workarounds, and browser-specific issues.

Desired skills

  • 3+ years of experience in product teams, building web applications.
  • Experience with TypeScript, Svelte or Vue.js, PostCSS + Tailwind, Vite, Histoire, Vitest, WebDriver.io or experience with similar technologies.
  • Be a fast learner: we expect you to be not afraid of learning by doing.
  • Will be a plus experience: ML and CV: TensorFlow / MediaPipe / ONNX, VR/AR or 3D graphics: WebGL, Three.js.


  • 28 days of annual leave.
  • Option to work fully remotely with a flexible schedule (not from RF and RB).
  • All necessary devices for development and tests are regularly provided by the company.
  • Friendly, creative, and cohesive team. Support cross-projects experience sharing and company-level initiatives.
Daria Bezpalko Recruiter
Clever Recruiting

О компании Clever Recruiting

Рекрутинговое агентство
1 - 10

Команда Clever Recruiting с 2017 года подбирает ИТ-специалистов для российских и западных технологических компаний в Европе, США, СНГ и АТР.

Похожие вакансии

8 100 – 10 300 $/мес на руки
Полная удалёнка
5 000 – 6 000 $/мес на руки
Полная удалёнка
4 500 – 5 500 $/мес на руки
Полная удалёнка
400 000 – 500 000 ₽/мес на руки
📍 Москва (м. Тульская), полная удалёнка
380 000 – 450 000 ₽/мес на руки
📍 Москва (м. Дмитровская), полная удалёнка