Muse Group is the developer of music products Ultimate Guitar and MuseScore — the world's most popular services for musicians.
The Muse Group owes its origins to the success of Ultimate Guitar, one of the world's largest music communities. Today, the Muse Group has a combined audience of more than 400 million people worldwide — they are users of our online services, as well as mobile and desktop applications such as MuseScore, Audacity and StaffPad.
Analytical Engineers deliver clean datasets to end users by modeling the data so that end users can answer their questions. There is a lot of work to be done with transforming, testing, deploying, and documenting the data.
We expect Analytics Engineers to apply best practices in software development, such as version control and continuous integration with the analytics codebase.
Muse Group is hiring specialists who have already relocated from Russia or willing to do it immediately.
The salary is paid in the currency of the country of registration, the approximate fork is indicated, the final amount is discussed individually and depends on the personal tax percentage.
Muse Group — is a company-developer of products for musicians Ultimate Guitar, MuseScore and MuseClass.