Think-cell is a fast-paced software company in Berlin, Germany, with a focus on developing graphics products that stand out from the crowd. More than 1,000,000 users world-wide rely on our software for their daily business as it makes creating graphical presentations so much easier, faster, and more enjoyable. Among our customers are many renowned consulting companies and large international corporations.
We do not have to make compromises with regard to code quality and beauty, because think-cell is highly profitable. We are willing to go the extra mile of developing sophisticated algorithms and refining our user interface, and we are proud of our many happy customers. The fact that the company is owned and managed by seasoned computer scientists certainly contributes to a working environment that makes exceptional developers come and stay.
Do you want to shape the future direction of our web architecture? Are you an expert in web technologies and website design? Do you strive for elegance and simplicity in your technical work? If so, we would like to meet you.
Think-cell — IT-компания, основной продукт которой — think-cell chart, которым пользуются более 700 тысяч пользователей, сотрудники American Express, Coca-Cola, Deloitte Consulting, Ernst & Young, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Nokia и другие.